On Tuesday, he brought the kids Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 on DVD and declared to have gotten the cheese touch. The moldy cheese came as part of a prank kit with the movie as well as a bug trapped in ice and fake poop. I am afraid for the pranks that will ensue with these items:

On Wednesday, he took pictures of the kids sleeping and was found playing with my phone the next morning:

On Thursday, he got in a marshmallow snowball fight with some of Jadyn's friends and build some snowman out of marshmallows as well. This was one of the kids favorites:

On Friday he made a sugar snow angel. This was our annual baking day (more to come on this later):

On Saturday, he got locked out of the house.

I had to plan ahead for this one because I knew the kids wouldn't want to leave him there and they are deathly afraid of touching him and having him lose his magic, so I was able to get him in a shoebox so he could sleep the rest of the day. Later in the day when we were watching a holiday special on TV, Jadyn held him up so Jelfie could watch too:

Sunday was his last night with us. He added himself to our family photo via dry erase marker and left a very nice note. This note explained that to enable him to say good-bye, Santa would be lifting his magic momentarily so the kids could give him a hug and kiss good-bye. The kids were thrilled. It helped soften the blow of saying good-bye.

However, even with permission, Jake was afraid of taking Jelfie's magic away, so he bypassed the opportunity.

On Christmas Even, Jelfie flew back to the North Pole with Santa and he will be missed. He brings joy, laughs and extra special magic during an already magical time of year. Good-bye Jelfie! Hope to see you again next year.
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