Last Monday for example, he exchanged all our stockings and replaced them with our underwear. I am a little embarrassed at the though of Jelfie rifling through my "delicates" drawer:

On Tuesday he got so caught up playing on my laptop that he didn't make it back to the North Pole and had to send Santa this email:

The next day we found him next to a plate of elf-sized doughnuts. Thankfully, there were also human-sized ones for all of us to enjoy as a special treat that morning for breakfast:

Friday was his most labor intensive antic yet. We found him fishing for Goldfish in a Polly Pocket play set of Jadyn's while perched on a lifeguard chair he constructed out of of Legos. Where does he find the time?

While I didn't photograph him playing Connect 4 with Barbie on Saturday morning, on Sunday he decided to toast a marshmallow by candlelight. That night the kids had S'mores for dessert:

Yes indeed. We have all enjoyed having Jelfie here for another holiday season and can't wait to see what he does his last week here with us.
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