Friday, May 2, 2008

A Funny Nose knows

[#5] How to count to 100.

Yesterday we are sitting at the dinner table and Jake tells me he wants to play his video game 100 times to which I replied "That's a lot of numbers!". He then proceeded to count all the way to 100. I am pretty amazed by lil guy. He has done this before with a chart of all the numbers in front of him but this he just belted out at the dinner table. I could care less if every child his age already reached this milestone. I thought it was pretty impressive!

[#6] A Superhero's intentions.

Jake went for his 4 year checkup yesterday. He weighed 34 pounds (25th percentile) and is 38 inches tall (10th percentile). He also had a hearing test (passed with flying colors), an eye test (which he cheated on, no surprise there) and FOUR SHOTS! Ouch. He was rewarded by the nurse afterwards with 2 Superman stickers, which he proudly displayed on his shorts. Later that evening when Joe asked him about the doctor, Jake chose not to focus on the fact that he had been pricked 4 times but that he got such cool stickers for his bravery. He told Joe that Superman was a hero whose job it was to rescue little boys and girls, mommies and daddies and grandmas and grandpas. Who can argue with logic like that? Maybe aunts and uncles?

[#7] When she is in trouble.

Jadyn, like other soon to be 2-year olds has a problem with listening. Therefore we have recently been using time outs a little more frequently with her. Time-outs are nothing new to Jadyn. She has seen Jake placed there on many occasion. Well the other day we were outside putting seed in Jake's bird feeder when I asked them both to come back inside the house. When Jadyn refused, I firmly picked her up and set her in the house. I was frustrated yes, but I did not say a word to her, just gave her a stern look. The next thing I know Jadyn is sitting in the spot reserved for time-outs. I looked at her a little bewildered and she said, "Mommy, I in time-out". Apparently, she knew.

[#8] How to feel better.

When Jadyn cries and whines for no reason, we put her in her room and tell her to come out when she feels better. Now whenever she stops crying, whether it is justified (say after a fall) or not she comes up to either Joe or I and says, "I feel better".

When Jadyn sees Jake sulking (which seems to be a lot lately, is this a new 4-year-old thing?) she tries to cheer him up. Very seriously with nothing short of a very concerned look on her face, she tells him, "Jake, don't be sad." After all, a sad brother does not make for a very good play partner. LOL!

1 comment:

-Bridget said...

Adorable stories! They are growing so big so fast!