Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jadyn Version 2.5

As implied around Halloween, Jadyn is our little drama queen. Everything that happens, whether she is bursting with joy or crying over spilt milk is reacted to in the most dramatic of ways. And she is such a talker. Sometimes I cannot believe the words that come out of her mouth. She is quite a character and I could easily see her jockeying for the coveted title of class clown. She is always doing silly things like putting bowls on her head or stickers on her forehead and then exclaiming, "I'm so funny!"

A great example of her dramatics came last week when the kids were both sick. No doubt that Jadyn had come down with a little bit of a cold but as per usual, it was nothing compared to the high temps and croupy cough that Jake was producing. Of course, nowadays they make medicine so dang yummy, the kids are practically begging for it and Jadyn was getting tired of seeing Jake get the tasty cherry flavored chewable Tylenol when she did not need it. She came up to me and with the most pathetic voice she could muster told me, "Mommy, I'm sick. I am so hot. I need medicine to make me feel better" and I kid you not as she was telling me this she actually raised her hand to her forehead. Scarlett O'Hara has nothing on this.

Jadyn is also very social, although I would be hard pressed to leave her with anyone but family or my friend Danielle, when I am around she is very outgoing with other kids and very friendly to strangers when we are out shopping. The best is when someone asks her what her name is and she answers "Jadyn2". No one ever understands what she is saying and we always end up explaining that she is telling them both her name and age together. We tried to get Jadyn to understand but sometimes there is no reasoning with her so for now she is Jadyn2.

She loves to put the word "But" in front of everything she says. If she asks for a cookie and I tell her no, she will start off with "But I want it". When I tell her no again she ups the ante by saying, "But I need it". If I tell her no a third time, which is rare because at this point I have usually threatened her with time out she would respond, "But I REALLY REALLY need it!". She also tells stories that involves long run-on sentences (I wonder where she gets that from? LOL!). A typical story might go something like this, " So I woke up on Wednesday but it was really really early but I woke up anyway but I was tired." She also likes to get out her books and "read" them to herself by making up stories. These stories always start with "Once upon a time". I honestly don't even know where she got that from in the first place as I don't recall it being in any of her favorite books or shows.

Jadyn is definitely going to be a story teller and she has the imagination to go with it. She tells us about dinosaurs chasing her (sometimes this is Jake trying to scare her on all fours making menacing faces and growling) but other times it comes out of nowhere. She loves to imitate Diego and finds reasons to go and "rescue" everything around the house. And also thanks to Dora and Diego everything has a family and they are always lost. "This baby apple misses his Mommy and Daddy. We have to find them" and then her eyes get all wide and she sprints off to search for them.

Besides talking up a storm, Jadyn loves to sing, not only her ABC's repeatedly but other songs as well. She also likes to have singing conversations with me where she will sing statements and requests like "I want chocolate milk" or "Where is my bear?" and she expects that I sing back my response. Joe particularly gets a kick out of this. One thing she finally mastered is her tricycle. For the longest time she could pedal but she could not steer. Now she can get going and actually get around. We have also replaced the baby swings on our playset with the swings it originally came with as Jake was ready to graduate to swinging on his own. While Jadyn still cannot swing herself, I am quite proud that she can sit and hold on to be pushed in a big kid swing and it is a favorite activity of hers when we are outdoors.

Awhile back I had mentioned how great Jadyn was doing at storytime at the library, which we try to attend on Fridays while Jake is at school. She eagerly gets in front of the group every week and shares her item brought from home representing the letter of the week and she loves, loves, loves the songs she has learned from the wonderful librarian. Here is a video clip taken back in October of her singing her favorite of these songs:

And here are a few pictures from the past couple months that really represent Jadyn version 2.5 but for whatever reason I had not shared before now:

And even though she would not cooperate for the actual picture, I had to share this very typical shot of Jadyn playing dress-up. She also loves to wear Mommy and Daddy's shoes and sport Jake's baseball hat and soccer medal as well. She comes up with some crazy combos!

Finally, something Jadyn just recently became interested in is how things are made and who makes them. We will be in Wal-Mart where she will repeatedly ask how various items are made, sometimes the same item over and over again. I try to oblige her but usually end up just giving a stock answer about it being made in a factory by people. If we are at the grocery store and she starts this line of questioning about apples for example, I might just simply say that it was made by nature.

Well the other day while stalling at bedtime she asked who made her to which I replied Mommy and Daddy. She then asked who made Mommy and Daddy to which I replied her respective Grandmas and Grandpas. She then asked me a question I was not prepared to answer - How did Mommy and Daddy make me? Trust me, I came up with something but seriously - I thought I had awhile yet to go before I would be discussing the birds and the bees.
So that's a look at Jadyn version 2.5. She is dramatic, inquisitive and quirky but most importantly, she is our little girl.

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