Sure, it may have seemed like summer ended when school started and our schedule filled up with soccer practices, dance classes, homework and meetings. However, the weather was still hot enough that we theoretically could still go swimming, although the time to do so was in short supply. Now with the temperatures taking just a slight dip and going even lower overnight, it is alas time to say good-bye.
The kids had a grand finale session in our pool. Usually they get in on a weekday evening, jump out 5 minutes later declaring it too cold and that's all she wrote. We start draining to tear it down. This year, they got in the pool on a Saturday after one of Jake's soccer games and spent 2+ hours playing in the water with the neighbors. It was quite lovely:

This past weekend, we took a trip to the water park where we have made good use of our passes this summer. As the water park will be closing after the last weekend in September, this was a last hooray and as promised, I took my phone in to snap a few pictures of the place we spent so much time this summer.

I wish I had more time to mourn the end of what seemed to be an especially short summer but then I glance at our ever growing fall bucket list and sip the first pumpkin spice latte of the season and I can't help but welcome the cool breeze that keeps our windows open and our air conditioner off.
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