Friday night we went to the drive in and saw two great family films - Planes and Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters. The kids somehow managed to stay up for both movies and listen to Joe grumble about how much they had deviated from the books in the Percy Jackson series.
The rest of the weekend was a blur of friends coming over, us going over there and perhaps spawned by our foray with the Go-Karts during vacation but The Millers got almost all of their quads and dirt bikes running and the kids subsequently acquired a very expensive new hobby.

In all seriousness though, this is something that is absolutely perfect for where we live and Joe and I have talked about what a great family activity it would be. Did I mention the kids LOVED it?
Jadyn took awhile to warm up, first riding as a passenger. Once she finally got up the nerve to ride on her own, we could not get her OFF. She rode the most between her and the three boys. I wish you could see the grin hiding behind the front of the helmet. It never left her face.

We won't get fall weather until we approach Halloween but as soon as it cools down, I am jumping on one of these myself. So much fun!
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