Monday, December 19, 2011

Like an old Pro

Jadyn had her winter recital this past weekend. She so enjoys getting to wear her costume, having me do her hair, letting her wear a little makeup and spraying glitter all over. She wasn't nervous in the least.

Jadyn has actually learned a TON this last semester in ballet now that she has moved up past pre-ballet. In the interest of being honest, I do think the routine was a little too hard for the group of girls and it didn't look very polished (not that you would necessarily expect it to at her age range) but they spent A LOT of the time on stage looking sideways at their instructor who was performing the routine out of view in the wings. Still, they were all absolutely adorable and Jadyn's stage presence and lack of nerves just blows my mind. She was born to perform!

Here she is before leaving on recital night, posing by herself and with me:

Here are the pictures I took the night of dress rehearsal. There is no flash photography the actual night of the recital so I don't have pictures of the night of the performance. I videotaped it instead but I was fairly far back and it's not worth posting:

Group photo:

Entering the stage:

And after the recital with her congratulatory flowers. She was so excited and proud:

1 comment:

Joanna said...

So cute! I must admit, I'm a but jealous. I loved wearing tutus and wish I had one as awesome as hers.