2) Jake gets to be two beloved movie characters/superheros all in one summer! It turns out he has refractive amblyopia in his left eye, which is also known as a lazy eye. It has nothing to do with how his eye moves or his eyes being crossed. That is called strabismic amblyopia. His vision in his right eye is so good, there is nothing forcing his weaker left eye to get any stronger. Sooooo, he will be a) getting glasses for the time being to correct his vision. He picked out a pair all by himself and he does look like Clark Kent (aka Superman) if I do say so myself. b) once his glasses come in around 7 to 10 days from now, we will be patching his GOOD eye for 2 hours a day and have him participate in vision training exercises to force his left eye to work harder, therefore making it stronger. Hence, Jake will get to be a pirate just like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. This is the bad news. The good news is that the doctor was optimistic that it could take as little as a month or two to strength Jake's left eye so the goal is for him to not need "patch time" OR the glasses by the time school starts.
3) Jadyn had her 3 year well-child visit today. She roughly weighs 30 pounds and is 36 inches tall and is otherwise healthy with no major developmental concerns. But, I have to say her measurements are rough because despite having never received anything other than routine medical care, she screams bloody murder and refuses to do anything the nurses or I ask her to the entire time they are checking her in. She was better when she was in with the doctor but only because I am able to hold her more. Obviously I can't hold her on the scale. I just don't get it. By this age Jake was over fears like this but Jadyn hates going to the doctor, getting her pictures taken or getting her haircut. Basically anything routine is a nightmare with her. It just goes to show you how different each child's little personality can be. When Joe asked her why she protested so much at the doctor she replied that she wanted Mommy to be the doctor. Now that is funny! Since it will be her first experience solo with a teacher, swim lessons this summer are going to be interesting to say the least. Here is a picture of the birthday girl yesterday before we made our way to the park where we had her party. The shirt is from Carter's and my friend Kimberly made her bows to match.
4) This is the buzz on summer. I just couldn't stand the idea of dealing with Jake's little boy's cut all summer so we took him in and got a low fade. I absolutely love it. Jake's is lukewarm to the change but definitely much better than 2 years back when we last tried a shorter cut for summer. Jake is getting quite the makeover between his cool glasses and new hair cut.
5) While the rest of this week is not nearly as busy as today, we do still have places to go and people to see pretty much every day this week, not to mention that fact that Joe is leaving Thursday and will be away on business for 2 weeks. And people say there is nothing to do out here in the desert.
Hope everyone's week is off to a productive start!
Those are GREAT pics of your kids! They are so cute anyway, but these really shine!
I love the birthday girl's clothes and the matching bows- what a cute picture of her!
g had strabismus in his left and the surgery to correct it. we did the whole patch thing first though. yeah- it was "fun".
jakey's haircut turned out great!
and there's always park time while Joe is away!
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