Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winter Break

Ah! We did some new and fun things over the break but not the traditional activities of winter break because we have been experiencing the exact opposite of most in the country - an extremely warm winter. No snow. Anywhere. Also, in looking at the pictures I snapped I once again have very, very few of Jake. He spent almost all of break playing video games, building Megablok sets and laughing and playing with his best friend Dominic. But anyway, I digress......

Whenever we go to the county fair or a pumpkin patch Jadyn always wants to go for a pony ride. And given that we know someone with horses,  I can't believe this is the first time she really got to go horseback riding but she did and of course, she loved it.


We also all went shooting for the first time. I didn't take pictures because I wanted to focus on the kids and safety but it wasn't nearly as daunting as I thought it would be. We all enjoyed it and I foresee us doing this activity as a family more often in the future.

Jadyn got a few new Lego Friends sets (the cruise ship and the high school). Her and I spent some time organizing her Legos and using an old train table as her "city":


Santa brought Jadyn new bedding for her room (which she desperately needed) so we also spent Winter Break repainting her room, redecorating it and cleaning it out (my favorite part!). Just more proof that she is no longer a baby girl:




The kids also built a fort in Jake's room:


Overall, we had a nice relaxing break and we got a lot done. But it still went by way too fast.

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