Well this year they are re-doing the football field at the high school so they moved the fireworks to the new sports park in a different part of town. I wasn't sure what we were going to do because I wasn't real enthusiastic about dealing with crowds and traffic to get close but at the same time, we have become quite spoiled in having a pretty good view. Jake's stipulation was that he wanted to be close enough to HEAR the fireworks. It was quite a dilemma.
Then we found out that the local BMX track was still going to do it's regularly scheduled Thursday night racing with a bonus; being only a block away from the new sports park, they were inviting everyone to stay after the races to view the fireworks show from the track. It was a perfect solution.
We still had friends over for swimming and a BBQ, ate a little early and then headed over to the track.

Jake placed 2nd even after crashing in the last run. He got right back up and kept going. I love his competitive drive in moments like this (brought the good camera and had a little too much fun with photo editing).

The view (and yes, sound and smell) of the fireworks was perfect!

Afterwards, we headed back to the house for dessert and sprinklers (as I accidentally called the sparklers). Everyone had a nice time.

I have said this in previous 4th of July posts, but this particular holiday is very bittersweet for me. Not only was it my dad's absolute favorite holiday, but it was at a fireworks viewing on the 4th that my parents, brother and I were together for the last time before he passed away. This year marks 15 years since he passed. I can't believe it has been that long.
I know my spiritual beliefs are ambiguous and non-traditional but I feel his presence all around me when I watch the fireworks. I think about how happy and proud he would be as a grandpa and although it does make me sad, it also brings me a sense of peace.
So while I celebrate America's birthday on the 4th, the holiday also means much more to me. It is a celebration of life and family and yet another of many reminders to hold those dear to you close.
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