Friday, October 19, 2012

Jake's First Pack Meeting

Jake started Cub Scouts back in September. He has a den meeting at least twice a month. He has really enjoyed the activities both at the meetings and at home. I can't say he loved memorizing the Cub Scout Promise or the Law of the Pack but he did it and was very proud to earn his Bobcat Badge at his first pack meeting Wednesday night.

I loved seeing how nervous he was when he was called up to the front. I was then surprised to be called up myself, as apparently moms are given a special pin by their scout when they earn rank.

Here is a picture of Jake and I after the program.

Jake is very excited to start working toward his Wolf badge and earn belt loops. He will be getting his neckerchief and slide at the next den meeting. And after seeing how many belt loops and pins the boys earned at summer camp, he can't wait to go himself next year. Yes, I think Scouts is going to be a great thing for him.

1 comment:

Karen said...

YAY Jake! Love this picture of the two of you. Glad to hear that it's going well so far. Michael has his first camping trip next weekend with Todd. They can't wait!