Monday, May 16, 2011

Magoomba Monday

- Since my Magoomba from last week was late, I probably could have added it in there but Monday of this last week Jake woke up with the tell-tale signs of pink eye. No idea where he got it. No warning whatsoever. But it certainly changed up our schedule for the day because instead of school and volunteering in the classroom, I took him to the doctor and then to get his prescription. Jadyn however, managed to still go to preschool and ballet as usual. And so far (knock on wood), no one else in the family has gotten the pink eye. Jake ended up out of school for two days.

- And then about Thursday I started to come down with a cold. I guess I was due. We had such a mild winter but still, no idea where it came from. Now I am hoping to get lucky in that that I don't pass that around to everyone else in the family.

- Friday turned out to be a great day for Jake. First he got the award for his class at the monthly award assembly for achievement in spelling. Look at my handsome guy:

-Then later that evening he had a baseball game. The machine was actually working fairly decent and he managed to hit a double. Go Jake!

Most of the rest of the week/weekend was spent just trying to rest up, recover and take care of this and that because things are about to get pretty hectic around here. The end of May is always a busy time.

Hope you are enjoying your spring!

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