Sunday, March 6, 2011

Magoomba Monday

And its actually Monday!

- We were FINALLY rewarded with a weekend of gorgeous weather. It was glorious.

-Okay, I get it. That pic of Kuma sleeping with the kids did kind of show that Jake was in a major danger zone. Man, and puppy poots are the worst. Good thing Jake is a heavy sleeper.

- Friday night for movie night we watched Bambi. Yes, it had the Kleenex moment I remembered but honestly? It was kind of boring. Jadyn of course loved it because of all the animals but even Jake seemed fairly disinterested.

- Saturday we went to Home Depot for their monthly kids workshop. This month was right up Jake's alley as they build a NASCAR! The kids have really started to look forward to this every month, not only the finished project but adding the cute little pins for their aprons, which show all the projects they have completed. Very cool free activity for the kids.

- With the picture-perfect weather, I had to take advantage and take the kids to do a trail in the park. I choose Hidden Valley because it is one of my favorites. I love the views from inside the valley and their is plenty of scrambling for the kids. I can't wait for spring so we can do more trails and check out the wildflowers.

- Sunday I went for my longest pavement run yet, 4.08 miles. And it's a good thing too because Joe baked homemade chocolate chip cookies and grilled his world-famous fajaitas for dinner. We also managed to pack in lots of outdoor time, including some yard work and plenty of playtime for the kids and Kuma.

- Speaking of Kuma, his little personality sure is emerging. He loves playing soccer, fetching balls and his favorite toy, chewing on sticks from outside and playing tug-a-war with his toy squirrel tail. We also (knock on wood) had a breakthrough on the house training front, which the weather also seemed to be a huge boost as we were able to leave the screen open to give him easy access. Still, even now when it is closed, he is learning to scratch at the slider and let us know he needs to go!

- Fringe! I was catching up on my DVR and I don't know why Fringe is always one of the last shows I watch, but man is it GOOD! I will be so sad if it gets canceled. It has really hit its stride and is one of the best serialized dramas in the vein of Lost and X-Files. The best part about Fringe? Well besides Joshua Jackson, it actually gives you answers.

- On top of our regular schedule of school, ballet and baseball, this week Jake is going on his first field trip, which also means his first bus ride. I think both Jake and I would be incredibly nervous if it were not for the fact that I am one of the parent chaperons. Jake insisted that I volunteer to go and since I know that their will come a time, probably all too soon where he doesn't want me around, I jumped on the chance to go.

-Windy weather on tap for this Monday, but hopefully after that we can go back to the warm and sunny (sans windy) weather we had this past weekend because it just simply puts a smile on my face.


Joanna said...

Home Depot Flair? Cool!

And dude, shorts and sandals. So jealous.

Stacey said...

I'm super jealous of your great weather and love your pictures.

My mom showed Bambi to Cole last week. I told her I hadn't planned to show it to him for a while because it was so depressing. Of course, he didn't think it was sad at all.