Friday the kids and I had back to school night. I was very happy with their teacher assignments for the upcoming school year. Jake is going into 4th grade and I didn't dare try to take his picture in his new classroom. He has made it crystal clear that he is getting too old for such things. Although he likes school, he wasn't quite ready for summer vacation to be over. Jadyn on the other hand was super excited for back to school:

On Saturday, we headed over to Joshua Tree for a birthday party at Sunburst Park. It was the perfect way to end our summer as we hadn't been to the splash park all season, not to mention the chance to be around great friends!

The first day of school is always a mixture of excitement and nerves for me as a parent and someone that works at the school, but especially for the kids. I just still can't believe that I have a 2nd and 4th grader but at the same time, I am very optimistic for the upcoming school year and can't wait for all that it promises to bring.

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