Of course, she beat me to the punch the night prior when she made herself a birthday hat announcing "today is my birthday". Here she is sporting it while making cupcakes to share with her cheer class the next day:
And here she is sound asleep, her last night as a 6 year old:

Friday morning, we let Jadyn open her gifts from us including a new Lego Friends set and matching mother/daughter necklaces.

I went into school with the kids to help with the talent show, which Jake performed in with his class (more on this later). Here I am with the birthday girl before leaving for the day:
At school, Jadyn shared treats with her class. At cheer class, Jadyn brought cupcakes to celebrate. After the talent show, the family went out to Sonic for a car picnic (her choice, I am sensing a trend here). Back at home, we played Just Dance at her request. It was a long, fun day of celebrating.
But the real fun came Saturday evening AFTER I registered the kids for swim and AFTER Jake's baseball game. Jadyn had her two good friends Keira and Kimberly over for a sleepover. The evening included pizza, cupcakes, opening gifts, swimming, showing off gymnastic moves, doing nails, making Shrinky Dink charm bracelets, giggles and a movie before bed.

In the morning there was more swimming and jumping on the trampoline and by the time the girls were either picked up or dropped off, this mama was EXHAUSTED!
Later that day, Jadyn and I relaxed in the pool and as she snuggled on top of me in the raft, I contemplated what a bright, entertaining, creative and kind-hearted girl she has become.

Happy 7th birthday to my sweet little Jadyn. No amount of words can express my love.
Nathan's bday was mid May and I still need to do his special bday blog post! I love how you made matching Mom/Daughter bracelets. I love your outfit/skirt in the one pic! The entire month of May is always SO busy for us!
Looks like a FUN day. Happy Birthday to Jadyn.
Happy happy birthday Jadyn!
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