For those who are no familiar, when I found out I was pregnant the second time around, I joined a forum on BabyCenter that was specifically created for women who were expecting babies born in May of 2006. Over the last 5 years, I have developed a special friendship with some of these women of which words can not truly describe. These women make me laugh, are there when I need to cry or whine about parenting or life in general, offer excellent advice, undying support and allow me to be 100% me without judgement. The only downfall of this friendship is that it has been 99.9% conducted either online or via telephone being that we live all over the country. Last fall a select of few of them met up for a weekend in New York and due to the success of that trip, another, bigger trip was planned this year for Vegas. No one had to ask me twice. I was THERE!
My blogging friends as I like to call them have wandered from the BabyCenter forum and now keep in touch via blogs, Facebook and Twitter. There are so many incredible women whom I admire that I would love to one day meet, some of them (particularly my WAHMies) who were not able to come on this trip. To them I say someday it will happen because other people may not understand, but you ladies are a very important part of my life.
For those who I am meeting in Vegas - I can't wait to meet you in person. After meeting Laura in person last winter (she is my 0.1%), I am not at all nervous. Just incredibly fortunate and excited.
And, also on the epic, monumental front, after 6+ years Joe and I have finally gotten our bed back to ourselves. If you remember it has been for some time now that the kids have both learned to fall asleep in their own beds but getting them to stay in their beds has been quite challenging. Frankly I knew what needed to be done but was very relunctant to give up nighttime sleep to accomplish it. However, after Joe traveled for so long this last time, once he returned it had gotten past the point of the kids interrupting his ability to get a good night sleep so basically the foot came down. And it was probably long overdue.
Jake had been sleepwalking, very motivated to earn his reward for staying in his bed all night but getting up and wandering to our bed without realizing it. I don't know what changed this time. I returned him to his bed maybe twice and once got up and slept in his bed with him to help him fall back asleep but other than that, he has stayed in his bed all night for 2 weeks now. And he is of course enjoying his bribe (a new Domino stunt set).
I am sure Joe and the kids will have an amazing and fun weekend while I am away. This will be longest I have EVER been away from the kids, previously only being away from them for 1 night at the most. And frankly, I cannot think of a better way I would rather enjoy the time to myself then with the girls who have gotten me through to this wonderful stage in my life as a Mom.