Baseball season is in full swing, taking up at least 3 days a week. With Jake in minors this year, he has had several games that don't even start until 7:45pm and have a 1.5 hour minimum/2 hour max game time. My kids are usually in bed at 8:30pm on school nights!!! It's been interesting to say the least. Jake is also continuing with weekly Cub Scout meetings and BMX racing on Sundays.
Jadyn is doing cheer and getting ready to start learning choreography for the spring recital. She will be placed in a bubble the week beforehand to ensure she is not sick on the night of the performance. Jadyn has also been attending after school practices twice a week for the school musical. Of course, they landed on the same days Jake has baseball. So yeah, the kids have been keeping us busy, busy, busy!
Last Friday was parent/teacher conferences and I am very pleased with how well both kids are doing in school. Jadyn is at or above grade level in all areas and recently passed the last of the 3rd grade high frequency word lists and is starting on 4th grade. She is doing so well in fact, I was surprised to learn her teacher had briefly entertained the idea of recommending Jadyn skip a grade. However, while she knew she could handle the work academically, she feels she is challenging her enough in class and that emotionally and socially first grade is where she belongs. I completely agree.
Here is Jadyn receiving her Star Reading award for the 2nd trimester.

Jake made Dean's Honor roll for the 2nd trimester in a row receiving all A's and 1 B in Reading Comprehension His teacher mentioned how pleased she is at the progress he has made in creative writing. He worked very hard this trimester and met his goal for the Accelerated Reading program. He is being considered for a high achieving 4th/5th grade combo class for next year. However, his test scores in Language Arts may prevent him from being a good fit for the class and if that is the case, I am fine with that. In the meantime, his teacher and I talked about strategies to help him test better in Language Arts. The most important thing is that he is doing well in school and I am so proud of him. Here he is at his 2nd trimester award assembly:

A few weeks back, I was able to go with Jake and all the third graders on a field trip to the San Bernardino County Museum. I love that I am able to do things like this with the kids. Here is Jake and I (he is wearing his class tie dye shirt):

As a family, we have been enjoying a lot of time with friends and thanks to the wonderful spring weather that includes having people over and BBQing dinner and a trip to the drive in to see The Croods and Oz, The Great and Powerful.
My bestie Rose and her family came out during their spring break and we had them and the Millers over after BMX that Sunday for a BBQ. Here are all the kids enjoying their dinner outside:

Last Friday we went to the drive in with the Millers, Cruz and Tara and Jadyn's best friend Riley and her whole family. We had quite the crew!:

Nine more days until spring break and in only 12 days, I will have a 9 year old! Seriously, when did that happen?
1 comment:
I love to hear that Jake is good a creative writing! No surprise, but that's something I'm always encouraging my kids to do. And yay for your little smarties! I know you're so proud!
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