- Jake raced for the first time at the BMX track. It was fun to see his competitive side come out when he was actually in a race. He did great! He came 2nd the first heat and 1st the second heat, earning him a spot in the main event. Then for the first half of the main race, he was actually in first place but not being used to going that fast, he hit a jump and fell, landing him in 3rd (last) place. It was disappointing but 3rd place still earns you a trophy:

- On Saturday of the long weekend, we visited Joe's Grandma Anita and Grandpa Ken and had lunch. I snapped this cute picture of Jadyn exploring the cute garden in their yard. I hadn't put Jadyn in pigtails for awhile:

On Veteran's Day, we decided to go for a hike up in the park with the Millers. Joe and Johnny decided to ride their bikes from our house all the way up to the trailhead (roughly 25 miles) while Tina and I drove up with the kids. The trail known as Ryan's Mountain is a 1000 feet elevation climb over a 1.5 mile hike and then back down again. It was not the easiest trail. The kids were troopers. Even Jadyn made it all the way up. Joe and Johnny were tired from the bike ride up but in the end we all made it to the top and back down again:

The next day the kids had their bi-yearly dental checkups and in the first time in a LONG time, we had a cavity free visit. I was shocked but quite pleased.
That Thursday I went with two of my girlfriends to see the last movie in the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn Part 2 on opening night. Having been over the series for quite some time and given that I haven't really liked the movies, I wasn't expecting much. However, even though the last book was my least favorite, they managed to throw in a surprise and make it a quite enjoyable experience. Not to mention, having a girl's night is always fun.
The only downfall to being out later than usual on a weeknight was that I had volunteered to chaperon Jake's field trip to the 29 Palms Old Schoolhouse and Art Gallery the following day. Even though I was exhausted, it was still a neat experience. I took some pictures of Jake with his class and this quote on the chalkboard in the schoolhouse. The quote really struck a chord with me and it happens to come from one of my favorite authors:

After a nice weekend that included a family shopping trip, the procurement of a new BMX bike for Jake, lunch out, a Scentsy party with the girls, a BBQ with friends at our house and a trip to the dog park, on Monday of Thanksgiving week, I took the kids to see Wreck it Ralph. With all it's references to video games from "my" generation, I am pretty sure I was more excited to see it then the kids but we all thoroughly enjoyed it. A very cute movie!
That's all the Ketchup I have.
And just like I said, before we know it, it will be Christmastime and now HERE IT IS!