I scoured Pinterest for the perfect gifts for the kids' teachers, classmates and my students: For Jake's teacher, a Starbucks gift card, reusable travel cup and card to say "Thanks a latte":

For Jadyn's teacher, a reusable travel cup filled with colorful sharpies:

For both of the kids classmates, some goldfish crackers declaring it to be "O-fish-ally summer":

And for my students, bubble wands telling them they really "blew" me away this year:

And for prosperity's sake a picture of the kids on the last day:

It's amazing how much they change, grow and learn in a 9 month period! And it was an amazing sschool year. Now we were ALL ready for an amazing summer! So what did we do on the very first day of summer break? While I cleaned....
Jadyn did this:

and Jake did this:

That's a pretty accurate picture.
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