May was filled with lots of activities as the school year began to wind down.
Jake had a celebration at Cub Scouts to advance all the boys to the next rank. Jake will be moving on to Webelos, which from my understanding is more challenging then previous ranks. We are very proud of the work Jake put into finishing all the requirements to move on and look forward to guiding him as he takes on this new challenge.

We put up the pool a week earlier than usual:
Bailey got spayed. No modesty patch. Here she is in all her glory:
Jadyn has been participating in Student Leadership at school and I have been serving as a co-advisor for the team. The teacher I work with decided to have them perform in the yearly talent show and while it was A LOT of hard work, it was also a lot of fun. They performed to Eye of the Tiger by Survivor and the choreography focused on sending an anti-bullying message. It was well received.
Student leadership works hard to encourage school spirit and keep all students informed and involved. I personally love being a part of it as does Jadyn. It has been a big part of our school year. Here they are getting ready for our weekly Friday flag assembly the Friday prior to Memorial weekend:
Jadyn and I went on another mommy/daughter date to see the production of "High School Musical" at the high school:
And I got to accompany each of the kids on another field trip. Jadyn, along with the 2nd graders from my class went to Oasis of Mara, part of Joshua Tree National Park:
While Jake and all the 4th graders visited San Juan Capistrano mission, wrapping up the traditional 4th grade unit on California missions:
We had our last monthly "eat lunch with your child day" at school:
I attended the end of the year volunteer appreciation tea at school and to my surprise was awarded volunteer of the year. I really feel kind of uncomfortable blogging about it but at the same time, it is something I want the kids to remember during this time in their lives. Working and volunteering at the school has been so rewarding to me personally and I love being involved, not only with my own kids but all the kids I have had the good fortune to work with. I have learned so much about myself through them and hopefully, I've taught them a thing or two in the process.
Finally, Jake had his first scrimmage with the newly formed soccer club. While the team lost, they performed very well for their first game and I look forward to watching them grow as the season progresses.
But of course, even with all this and the previous Mother's Day and Big Bear posts, I STILL haven't covered everything in May because on that very last day of the month, a certain little girl also had a birthday. Stay tuned....